Sisters' Stories: "I never believed that one day I would have my own business "

Gulistan is a 27-year-old woman who lives in Rwanga IDP camp. She had always dreamed of having her own hairdressing business, but despite plenty of experience of working in a salon, she had limited opportunities for growth and a lack of financial resources to pursue her entrepreneurial aspirations.

When she had the chance to take part in our womens’s business incubation project, which is supported by The Big Heart Foundation and Nama Women, that all changed for Gulistan.

Thanks to the project, she received a financial grant, along with small business training and mentorship to support her in launching her own salon. And happily, we’re able to share with you the news that her business is now up and running.

Not only was Gulistan able to find and secure a suitable location for her salon, but the grant also meant she could purchase high-quality equipment and invest in a range of haircare products. In addition, the training she received through the project equipped her with essential business skills such as marketing, customer service and financial management.

Gulistan's dedication and passion saw her work tirelessly to create a warm and welcoming environment in her salon, ensuring that every customer receives a professional and personalised service.

She says: “When I was working before, I never believed that one day I would have my own business and be able to run it myself. My dream came true when the Lotus Flower selected me and supported me to become a business owner and decision-maker within the community. I’m so grateful to every person who has helped me.”

As a successful entrepreneur, Gulistan is contributing to the economic growth of her community, and also inspiring other women to pursue their goals fearlessly. It’s another example of the transformative power of women in business, and the positive impact they can have on individuals, families, and the entire community.

By earning a sustainable living for themselves and their families, women’s confidence and self-esteem is boosted too, while attitudes and perceptions around women’s roles are changed for the better.

Gulistan is just one of 10 women who have been able to start their own business through this latest iteration of our incubator project, and we’ll share more about their stories soon too…

Can you support a woman’s business?